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selva peruana

selva peruana
In Peru there are many attractions in the jungle worth visiting. The options vary from the north of the country, near the border with Brazil, or in the center of Peru a few hours from Cusco. In this post we will tell you about the types of jungles that exist in Peru, the biodiversity of...
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Loro colorido de la selva peruana en Manu
Where can I go to experience the jungle? Can I get to the jungle from Cusco? are some questions asked by people visiting the center of the Inca Empire. Cusco is surrounded by a mountainous landscape, with forests and arid areas. It feels worlds away from the jungle. However a few hours from Cusco is...
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Amazon river Iquitos
Surely you have heard of the great Amazon Jungle many times. You have arrived in Peru and you have heard about the enormous biodiversity of the country. Its ecosystems, climates, cuisine and its jungle (or its jungles). And you decided that you’re going to go discover the jungle. But how? From where? What forest are...
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